Crown Green Bowls

Introduction to Bowls

Crown Green Bowls is a game that can be played by anyone who is capable of holding and delivering a bowl. It's a competitive and skillful game and is played throughout the months of April to September. Whilst it's still wrongly and commonly thought of as an old man's game, this is far from the truth. Yet it's a game often taken up by retired men and women.

The age span in our section is over 70 years with the youngest member being only 13 years old, the oldest being 80. A significant portion of our members did not take up the game until they retired yet they soon reached a competitive standard.

We are always looking to increase our membership. newcomers to the game will be given help and tuition in the playing of the game to which ever standard they wish to achieve whether it is to become part of a competetive team or to play socially with friends. There is a strong social element to the game, it is also a form of gentle exercise particularly suited to the elderly.

If anyone is interested in joining the section please contact David Clarke by email at